int main()
int cotinue=1;
long int org_num=0, org_base=0, valid_org_val, pos_org_num, new_num, base10_num, remainder;
int new_base=0;
int pow_limit, pow_test;
int cur_term=0;
//The outermost "do...while" loop allows for repetitive revolutions of
//the primary block of the application. The program will continue to
//oscillate between the input and output pages as long as the variable
//referred to as "cotinue" is equal to "1." This variable can be changed
//through user input at the end of the output page.
//This repetition statement ensures that the base of the initial number,
//which is discovered by the program through a user input statement,
//is a value between 1 and 17 exclusively. The prompt message will
//continue to be displayed and the user will continue to be required
//to enter in the value of the base for the original number if he/she
//incessently enters invalid bases into the system.
} while((new_base <> 16));
//This "do...while" loop will continue to run as long as the "org_num"
//variable, which sybolizes the amount of the initial number, does not
//meet specific requirements concerning the size of the first value. The
//user is expected to abide by the rules connecting the value of the
//new base and the amount of the number that must be converted,
//which are explained to the operator during the execution of the project
//with the aid of the "cout" statement below. If the first amount is too
//large or too small (in terms of a negative value) to be converted
//into the specified base, the user will be required to enter in a new
//number which fits the parameters for the new base.
cout<<"\n\nInput the integer that must be converted.\n\nIf the new base is 2, then the original number must be\ngreater than or equal to -1,000 and less than or equal to 1,000.\n\nIf the new base is > 2 and <>
} while((((org_num < -1000) || (org_num > 1000)) && (new_base == 2)) || (((org_num < -10000) || (org_num > 10000)) && ((new_base > 2) && (new_base <> 1000000)) && (new_base > 10)));
//The nested "do...while" repetition statement will repeat as long as
//the original base of the original integer is less than 2 or greater
//than 10. Since the variable of "org_num," which stores the initial
//whole number, is an integer, the base of the first number cannot exceed
//10. If the base was allowed to exceed 10, then letters and other
//nonnumerical characters would be allowed as input into the "org_num"
//integer identifier, effectively breaking C++ syntax rules. Similar
//to the two previous "do...while" loops, this repetition unit will
//continue to execute with a prompt for user input continually being
//displayed on the monitor while the base of the starting whole number
//is less than 2 or larger than 10.
cout<<"\nWhat is the base of the initial number\n"<
} while((org_base <> 10));
clrscr(); //Second Page Begins to Be Processed
//***Full Conversion Process Begins Below
if(org_num <>
//If it is discovered that the original number is negative, the initial amount
//is transformed into a positive value by storing the product of -1 and
//"org_num" in the identifier named "pos_org_num."
pos_org_num = org_num * -1;
//If "org_num" is positive or equal to 0, the value of the first whole number
//is placed in "pos_org_num."
pos_org_num = org_num;
//**Start of Conversion to Base Ten
for(pow_test=0; pow(10, pow_test) <= pos_org_num; ++pow_test);
//The above "for" loop, which does not contain a single executable statement
//but rather serves as a counter, determines the final value of "pow_test."
//"pow_test" is an integer variable that holds the first value "n" in
//the expression "1 * 10^n" such that the result of the expression
//is greater than "pos_org_num." The final value of "pow_test" also
//stores the number of single digits that are found in the positive
//form of the intial number. "pow_test" is incremented by 1 after each
//revolution through the loop, and the repetition statement will end
//when the result of "10^pow_test" is greater than the original amount
//in its positive form.
for(pow_limit=(pow_test - 1), remainder=pos_org_num, base10_num=0, valid_org_val=1; pow_limit >= 0; --pow_limit)
//The purpose of this "for" loop involves converting the initial amount,
//which is now present in its positive form in the variable called
//"pos_org_num," to its equivalent value in base 10. The identifier
//named "pow_limit" is initialized at an upper bound--the number of
//digits that are in "pos_org_num" subtracted by 1. "remainder,"
//an identifier that stores the amount within "pos_org_num" which have
//not been subtracted by the succeeding processes, is set to the positive
//form of "org_num." "base10_num" is an accumulator that holds the current
//result of the conversion process of "pos_org_num" into a base 10 value.
//On the other hand, "valid_org_val" is initialized to 1, signifying
//that the program assumes at first that all digits in "pos_org_num"
//are less than the original base that the value is in. This loop will
//continue to execute as long as "pow_limit" is greater that -1, and
//the value stored in "pow_limit" will decrement by 1 at the end of each
cur_term = (remainder / pow(10, pow_limit));
//The above assignment statement allows the computer to identify any
//digit that lies within "pos_org_num."
if(cur_term >= org_base)
//If the current term that is being analyzed in the "for" loop is
//discovered to be greater than or equal to the base that the amount
//was originally in, "pow_limit" is set to -1 (the outer "for" loop
//will terminate when "pow_limit" is less than 0) and "valid_org_base"
//is assigned the value of 0, signifying that the orginal value does
//not coincide with its suggested original base.
base10_num = (base10_num + (cur_term * pow(org_base, pow_limit)));
//The previous value of "base10_num" is added to the current digit that
//was pulled from the positive form of the initial number times the result
//of the number's original base raised to the current value of "pow_limit."
//After the surrounding repetition statement is finished executing,
//"base10_num" will contain the value of the original amount converted
//into base 10 number representation. This process is performed to
//improve the logical pathway involved in transforming a number in any
//base that is less than 10 into its equivalent amount in a second base
//that is under 10.
remainder = (remainder - (pow(10, pow_limit) * cur_term));
//The updated version of "remainder" is found by raising 10 to the current
//value for "pow_limit," multiplying the result by the digit that is being
//analyzed from the intial amount, and subtracting the product from the
//previous value of "remainder."
//**End of Base Ten Conversion
if(valid_org_val == 0)
//If the original number contains digits that exceed or equal the first
//number's base, an error message will be outputted and the program will
//ask the operator if he/she wants to attempt the conversion stage again.
cout<<"\n\n\n\nError: The Base and the Value of the Original Number Do not Coincide";
//This block of code will be accessed by the computer if all of the digits
//in the initial number are less than the base that the number is supposedly in.
cout<<"\n\n\n\nThe conversion of "<
for(pow_test=0; pow(new_base, pow_test) <= base10_num; ++pow_test);
//Although the above "for" loop lacks a body, its heading serves as
//a counter for the number of characters that lie within the newly
//created "base10_num" variable. The loop's control variable, which
//is referred to as "pow_test," will increment by one after each run
//through the loop, and the loop will continue to execute while the
//result of "new_base ^ pow_test" is less than or equal to the base 10
//conversion of the positive form of the original number.
if(new_base <>
//If the base that the intial value is being converted over to is
//less than 11, then the following segment of code is performed.
for(pow_limit=(pow_test-1), remainder=base10_num, new_num=0; pow_limit >= 0; --pow_limit)
//The purpose of this repetition statement is to convert the newly
//developed "base10_num" variable into the new base that was
//specified by the user.
//This "for" loop initializes "pow_limit," which symbolizes the digit
//that is being reviewed within "base10_num" in terms of scientific
//notation, to the difference of "pow_test" minus 1. In addition,
//"remainder," a variable that holds the amount in "base10_num"
//that has not been subtracted from the variable's original value
//by the following operations, is first set to equal "base10_num."
//The sum of the conversion process of "base10_num" to the number's
//new base is set to a starting value of 0. The loop's control variable
//of "pow_limit" decreases by 1 following each successful cycle of the
//repetition statement's body, and the loop's body will continue
//to execute as long as "pow_limit" is not less than 0.
cur_term = pow(new_base, pow_limit);
//The current term or digit that will be divided by "base10_num"
//is calculated and stored in "cur_term" by raising the original
//integer's new base to the value of "pow_limit."
new_num = new_num + (pow(10, pow_limit) * (remainder / cur_term));
//The value of "new_num," which represents the current progress of
//converting the original whole number to the new base, is found
//by raising 10 to "pow_limit," multiplying the result by the outcome
//of "remainder" divided by "cur_term," and adding the product to
//the previous value of "new_num."
remainder = (remainder - ((remainder / cur_term) * cur_term));
//The new value of "remainder" stores the current amount residing
//in "base10_num" which have not been "touched" by the division
//and conversion processes.
if(org_num <>
//If the original amount is discovered to be negative, the positive
//form of "new_num" will become negative by multiplying "new_num"
//by -1.
new_num = new_num * -1;
//If the new base is not between 2 and 10, inclusively, then an entirely
//different process must be performed to reveal the proper answer.
//Instead of storing the converted solution to the original number in
//a variable, the individual characters, including letters and numbers,
//are printed on the monitor as they are discovered.
for(pow_limit=(pow_test-1), remainder=base10_num; pow_limit >= 0; --pow_limit)
//This "for" loop is designed to calculate and display each value
//of the conversion's solution character-by-character. The loop's
//control variable (or "pow_limit") is initialized at "pow_test - 1,"
//which reveals the number of digits that exist in the number stored
//in "base10_num." On the other hand, "remainder" is first set to
//equal "base10_num." The loop's control variable decrements by 1
//at the conclusion of each revolution through the loop, and the
//loop will run as long as "pow_limit" is not less than 0.
cur_term = pow(new_base, pow_limit);
//The current "term" of the conversion process is calculated by
//raising the new base to the current value for "pow_limit." For
//instance, if "new_base" is 6 and "pow_limit" is equivalent to
//3, then "cur_term" equals 216.
if((remainder / cur_term) <>
//If the newly discovered character in the solution is a number
//that is less than 10, then the numerical form of the single
//digit is displayed on the screen with the aid of the
//output statement that is written below.
cout<<(remainder / cur_term);
//If the new character in the problem's solution is a value
//which is greater than 9, then the letter form of the new number
//is displayed to the user. For example, if the new element is
//12, the letter "C" will be displayed instead of "12."
remainder = (remainder - ((remainder / cur_term) * cur_term));
//The above line of code determines the new value of "remainder,"
//which contains the amount of "base10_num" that has not been affected
//by the program.
//***End of Full Base Conversion
cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tWould you like to run the conversion process again?\n\t\t\t\t(1 = Yes, 2 = No)\n\t\t\t\t\t";
//The above output statement and the input line below require the user to
//choose whether he/she would like to cycle through the base conversion
//process again. If the operator enters a "1," the first screen of the
//application will reappear. If the user presses any key other than "1,"
//the project will terminate.
} while(cotinue == 1);
return 0;
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