Program to create a linked list. If the inserted value is an even number, the number is inserted at the beginning. If the inserted number is odd, it is inserted at the end.
typedef struct listnode
struct listnode * next;
int value;
Node * Node_construct(int v)
Node * n = malloc(sizeof(node));
n -> value = v;
n -> next = 0;
return n;
void Node_destruct(Node * n)
void List_instert(Node ** h, int v)
Node * n = Node_construct(v);
n -> next = h;
return n;
void List_delete(Node ** h, int v)
/*delete the first occurrence of the value v*/
if ((*h) == 0)
Node *p = *h;
if((p -> value) == v)
/* if it is v, move the head to the next Node and delete the original head*/
/*Otherwise, find the first Node whose value is v */
/* If no Node whose value is v, do nothing. If a Node is found, delete it from the list */
/* If a Node is found, destroy the Node and release memory */
void List_destruct(Node ** h)
Node *p = *h;
node *q;
while (p != 0)
q = p -> next;
void Node_print(Node *n)
{ printf("%d", n -> value);}
void List_print(Node *n)
Node *p = n;
while (p != 0)
p = p -> next;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int x[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 7, 4, 2, 0};
int n = sizeof(x) / sizeof(int);
int i;
Node * head = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n =" Node_construct(v);" h ="="" h=" n;}" 2 ="="" head =" n;}"> next != NULL)
{n = n -> next;}
/* make the new Node the last Node in the list */
n -> next = n;